Friday, December 26

Today, went home straight after work. How good! In fact, I've been a good girl lately :)

Had a movie marathon just now..3 movies in a row, nice! It's been ages since yours truly really watched a movie AT HOME, let alone 3. So yeah, movies marathon indeed is fun. hehe. Had a good laugh watching Enchanted and Fanstatic Four, of course, re-watch Jurassic Park is no joke!! Guess it's time to rent some movies home. hehe ;p

Oh btw, going to PD tomorrow. For some sun and food, and of course, sister-brother bonding session :) So yeap, I'll update the X'mas party I had in my office and the trip once I'm not lazy. Needa steal pics from fb. pfffffttt. Dummer me didn't bring camera for the party.

Til then, x.o.x.o