The day after I felt the utmost happiness of getting my love, there were some groundbreaking news circulating around - and these, absolutely, don't make me feel happy at all.
Honestly, I felt insulted. After studying so hard and getting my degrees from Switz, all I get was - the same level of position with someone who was only a form 5 graduate. Worst still, I need to go through probation period and he doesn't even need to. I just fucking dislike his oh-I-am-so-fucking-smart attitude. You're smart or not, do I even care?!
No, I ain't saying that I look down on a only-form-5-graduates or any dropouts. I'm simply pointing out the fact that it's deadly unfair to have offered and CONFIRMED one as a permanent staff straightaway despite his/her working attitude.
What's the point of us studying so hard/working our ass off and still, we need to go through the probation period? Simply because he was here for nearly a year as a GSG, hence, a better position was offered to him when someone else resigned. He can't even do his job properly when he's a GSG, let alone being a GRO. I wonder how many limo guest will you miss, I shall keep track of that, shouldn't I?
Always sneaking for the opportunity to take a break, be it a ziggy or toilet or whatever break you call it, when we, the GSAs & GROs, served like 6 out of 10 guests that were at the counter. You can't even be fucking bothered when others told you that your workstation is ONLY outside the counter. What's you fucking problem to always hang out in Concierge, stealing other people's password when you don't even need to touch the computer. Those are the things that you're best at! YES, I salute to your aggressiveness to get your dream position in MO. It appeared to me, somehow, to be rather pathetic to act like someone-who-knows-it-all, but you're just a TEABOY afterall. Just serve your tea, mate!
Yes, I believed some might have complaint about lack of internal promotion. BUT, can this even be named as internal promotion? Promoting someone who has ZERO knowledge about the job and confirmed him STRAIGHTAWAY.
Congrats to that fella that he finally got whatever he wanted. Perhaps, he has offered his backside without us knowing? Pffft.
But it makes me wonder..why am I still here - when I see no future?! The most humiliating fact is that I really really wanna leave, but I need the dough. Pffffffft. I felt frustrated, so so so annoyed that I could actually drive a car and bang on him.
Maui Island 5
1 month ago
Hey, I understand your feeling.. It is true what you've been talking about. Sometimes, life is so unfair!
It's fucking unfair! After working our ass off, and for him, it's just as easy as ABC eh ... and perhaps even easier than that, so wtf
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