Thursday, September 25


Since it's her birthday, I decided to dedicate a post to her right before her birthday ends. How lovely :)

Here is some pics of the-then-us....

In the lake..I have short hair and her, of course, long.

When we were in Paris..

In 1u, hanging out in our fav cake shop, Bakerzin.

We both kept our hair long til.....


we both decided to chop off our hair.

The day before yesterday, she decided to be an ah-lian - dyed her hair with the lala colour. HAHA
*that's what she called herself*

And moi decided to be a China doll yesterday :D


Had tons of crazy moments together, always doing silly things (you know what), clubs and B52 shots. We used to work our ass off for assignments..and now, for MO. Fun fun fun is all I can say. We've been through a lot, shite loads of things had happened/changed, but I'm glad that we're still the same old you & me.

I must say, good to have you, Dede :) Have fun in Bali!!

1 comment:

The Pondering Introvert said...

omggg Dede ... never expect this :o darn touching lehh .. booohooo ... Dedes forever :) muaks muaks