And it's driving me nuts..
Seriously, the shites that I got recently...tsk tsk tsk
First, my
dede chopped her hair. But ok lah, either of us has to be the masculine mar!
PC aka
Perempuan Cantik decided to MC on days that were super busy. Still ok, I'm getting off.
3rd, I was told that I just short submitted USD100. wtf!!
PC can come and complain that she's so tired and all, it's so busy! like HARLOOOO, what abt the last few days that she was on MC? D
anny boi has to suffer,
Dede has to suffer, me has to suffer..who should we blame then?
Besides, I forgot bout my babe's graduation day. Something's wrong with my memory *smacks head* Sorry, Wan :)
Captain Crazy is back!! There starts our suffer :( Pray hard for all.